Author: Amy Greene

Geo-blogging and place-based learning

Place-based learning is grounded in exploring the unique history, geology, culture, environment, etc., of a place. Geo-blogging lets you geolocate a piece of writing or media to an exact point on a map and works as a natural companion to place-based learning assignments. Aggregation of student work to a central course site makes the work findable, and … Continue reading Geo-blogging and place-based learning

NWACC Award for Innovation in Instructional Technologies

Call for Nominations

2015 Award for Innovation in Instructional Technologies A component of NWACC’s Instructional Technology program, the Award for Innovation in Educational Technologies recognizes instructional technologists and faculty members at NWACC member institutions who have displayed innovation in the...

First Monthly NWACC Mtg Dec. 6th

We are looking forward to the first of our monthly NWACCO meetings that lead up to our June workshop.  During this event we’ll continue to develop the Teaching Deck project discussed at the last...

We need your input!

We need your input!

Roundtable 2013 planning is underway. Give us your ideas for presentations, roundtable discussions and keynote speakers in the 2013 roundtable planning forum. Have an idea for a Spring/Summer NWACC IT mid-year event? Post it...

Create wraparound panormamas

Create wraparound panormamas

A colleague recently introduced me to the free Photosynth app for iOS that allows you to create and share immersive 360-degree panoramic photos. It’s very easy to use and creates pretty decent images that you can then share on your … Continue reading