3 Minutes of Fame Topic List 2017

Name: Cassidy Hall

Institution: University of Idaho

Topic: Pivothead Wearable Imaging to Support Instructional Videos and Alternative Assessment


Affordable, durable, portable, hands-free solution to video recording needs related to instruction, assessment, and research.

Related URL: http://www.pivothead.com/

Name: Karin Roberts

Institution: University of Washington

Topic: Course Dashboard – Helping Instructors at Scale


How can we better support 6,000 faculty as they prepare and teach courses? Based on user research with instructors, UW is developing a course dashboard to provide useful information to instructor’s about the students in their course.

Related URL: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1wR-LE-eAhK29ZfAdCgMXD_LQiw7qwYwIXzJLx4_h8sA/edit?usp=sharing

Name: JaneSnare

Institution: Seattle Univeristy

Topic: Tech Tools in Context


Seattle University’s faculty challenged the Center for Digital Learning & Innovation to provide assistance in designing hybrid/blended courses. In response, we have created the “Flow Map”.

Related URL: https://www.mindmeister.com/maps/public_map_shell/813038403/flow-of-hybrid-blended-courses?z=0.7

Name: Bridget J Irish

Institution: The Evergreen State College

Topic: Accessible IT/UDL Resources for Faculty


A brief overview of the in-house help module we include in our Canvas course template for faculty which includes information about accessibility and universal/inclusive design for learning (UDL/IDL) along with a 7-item checklist with how-tos for creating accessible web content.

Related URL: https://canvas.evergreen.edu/courses/943

Name: Tasha Biesinger

Institution: Oregon State University

Topic: Proctored Exams for Athletes on the Road


Athletics collaborated with partners from Ecampus and our shop (Academic Technology), leveraging ProctorU’s Proctor Pro, and stripped down tablet and stylus.

Related URL: 

Name: Hart

Institution: Southern Oregon University

Topic: Online MBA wuth Academic Partnerships


SOU has entered into an agreement with Academic Partnerships to offer a fully online MBA. This article is an interesting take on outsourcing online programs: https://www.insidehighered.com/digital-learning/views/2017/10/04/longtime-online-observer-asks-why-harvard-turned-opm-online.

Related URL: 

Name: DavidWicks

Institution: Seattle Pacific University

Topic: Including Online Students


Seattle Pacific University’s digital education leadership (DEL) program is an online program that was designed with high levels of student engagement in mind. We limit class size to ten students. We meet with each student every term for reflection and planning meetings. We host campus events to build community.

Our target audience is students who live within a half day’s drive of Seattle. That said, we are receiving interest from students who live far away and have limited options for an ed tech graduated degree. To accommodate those students while maintaining our goals of high levels of interaction we are exploring the use of telepresence robots to allow these students to participate in on-campus events.

Related URL: 

Name: Lige Armstrong

Institution: Linfield College

Topic: Example courses


Sample courses for faculty to see how others have designed their courses.

Related URL: http://www.linfield.edu/blackboard/blackboard-tips-faculty/blackboard-example-courses.html

Name: Lauren Nicandri

Institution: University of Puget Sound

Topic: Small scale active learning


Building an active learning/experimental technology space.

Related URL: https://www.pugetsound.edu/about/offices-services/technology-services/educational-technology/development-studio/

Name: Delayna Breckon

Institution: Central Washington University

Topic: Accessibility Studies Program


Interdisciplinary collaboration between 3 faculty to develop a 15-credit, 4-course curriculum that was delivered online in 10 weeks. A certificate or an undergraduate minor are offered.

Related URL: http://www.cwu.edu/accessibility-studies/programs-0

Name: Doug McCartney

Institution: Portland State University

Topic: Karl Miller Center


The newest building @ Portland State University..housing the School of Business Administration…today’s is it 1 month old birthday.

Related URL: https://www.pdx.edu/sba/karl-miller-center-opening-fall-2017

Name: Cassidy Hall

Institution: University of Idaho Doceo Center

Topic: Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom


Sharing a Doceo Center research project that placed 90 Amazon Echo Dots in K-12 classrooms and the crossovers we found applicable to higher ed.

Related URL: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UKx-VVJIzTs27mTbhalQ1QGSblDOOUOhizCvkBlcw5A

Name: Delayna Breckon

Institution: Central Washington University

Topic: Multi-Mobile Podcast


We’ve created a “bi-weekly” podcast that highlights faculty teaching with technology, new apps, tips and instructional design. Chad Schone & Delayna Breckon

Related URL: http://www.cwu.edu/multimodal-learning/multi-mobile-podcast

Name: Hae Okimoto

Institution: University of Hawaii

Topic: 5 week online courses


Data from our adult, part time, online learners, indicated they were not successful (measured by credits and grades earned). UH is now working to create a more structured, focused online environment for our adult learners, included very structured framework for a new 5 week course formats.

Related URL: http://laulima.hawaii.edu

Name: Hart Wilson

Institution: Southern Oregon University

Topic: Course Design Academy


We’ve been running a course redesign project for the last few years based on L. Dee Fink’s model for creating significant learning experiences. We’re also incorporating Transparent Assignment Design. This last year, we brought librarians and writings instructors into the mix.

Related URL: https://sites.google.com/sou.edu/integrated-course-design/integrated-course-design

Name: Nicole Eustice

Institution: University of Oregon

Topic: Deepening the Dialogue


We are investigating student engagement in online discussion to develop a model of dialogue training using a framework for critical thinking and questioning. The process involves analysis of group work dynamics online as well.

Related URL: 

Name: kevin dixey

Institution: Western Washington University

Topic: Canvas Accessibility Primer for Faculty


A self-paced Canvas course designed to introduce faculty to the principles of accessible course design (there is also a supporting in-person class)

Related URL: https://wwu.instructure.com/enroll/9WAKCN

Name: Peter Seaman

Institution: Portland Community College

Topic: Hub-and-spoke approach to LMS training


We’re interested in implementing a hub-and-spoke approach to training faculty to use the LMS. I’d like to collect any lessons learned from this approach.

Related URL: 

Name: Delayna Breckon

Institution: Central Washington University

Topic: Program Assessment using Canvas Outcomes


Institutional outcomes embedded into a rubric can be added to Gen Ed courses and used for program assessment using Canvas Outcomes.

Related URL: 

Name: Robin Ashford

Institution: George Fox University

Topic: Open Textbooks and Textbook Affordability at George Fox U.


About our open textbook initiative and textbook affordability program at George Fox. (If there’s time, if not, no problem 🙂 )

Related URL: https://blogs.georgefox.edu/library/category/textbook-affordability/

Name: Jon Knipp

Institution: Seattle Pacific University

Topic: Local Administrator using “Make Me Admin”


How do you secure computers by removing local administration without also removing the ability to install software, when desired?

Related URL: https://makemeadmin.com/

Name: Chad Schone

Institution: Central Washington University

Topic: Piloting Virtual Reality experiences for first year French language majors


The languages department on our campus have experienced decline in enrollment over the years. My Center partnered with the chair of Languages to pilot the integration of Virtual Reality to add a immersive experience for his first-year French class as a way of providing more impactful cultural understanding of their curriculum.

Related URL: http://cwu.edu/mec

Name: Hae Okimoto

Institution: University of Hawaii System

Topic: UH BookSprint


The University of Hawaii has committed to providing a Z (zero textbook costs) track through their general education requirements. At the community colleges the goal is a Z track through the AA in Liberal Arts. Like Ohio State, we looked at our data about the top 25 enrolled general education courses throughout the system. Then brought together the coalition of willing to create a book.

Related URL: https://oer.hawaii.edu/

Name: Jerrod Thomas

Institution: Portland State University

Topic: Taming complexity with UX testing and iteration: self service lecture capture


At PSU we needed to move away from produced lecture captures because of budget issues. How did we build a radical new system that’s still evolving.

Related URL: 

Name: Bridget Irish

Institution: The Evergreen State College

Topic: Online courses for learning about Accessibility and Inclusive Design for Learning


Overview, from my perspective as a student, of CWU’s Accessibility Studies online certificate program, and the online course, Basics of Inclusive Design for Online Education (by University of Colorado Boulder, via Coursera).

Related URL: http://www.cwu.edu/accessibility-studies/programs-0

Name: Clayton Austin

Institution: Southern Oregon University

Topic: Faculty Engagement Model


We identify four levels of faculty engagement with our Center that are aligned with the University’s plan and faculty P&T guidelines.

Related URL: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1v2ZYJcRRMMKjQgBtfpoaZ8wr1kLALqsSKVu9kdcbyGs/edit?usp=sharing

Name: Liv Gjestvang

Institution: Ohio State

Topic: 3 Simple Models for Professional Development


Finding ways (and the time!) to develop ourselves and our teams can be challenging. These three models can help provide easy ways to share info, build connections and grow individuals and teams.

Related URL: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aQOsMkkY_BDN5FIKGlDsH39EU3kbllssalPb-L4HQOQ/edit?usp=sharing

Name: Lyn Riverstone

Institution: Oregon State University

Topic: Gradescope–it’s a game-changer!


Oregon State University has a site license for Gradescope, a grading app that makes assessments more efficient, consistent and fair. Faculty and graduate teaching assistants LOVE this tool!

Related URL: https://www.gradescope.com/

Name: Matt Lewis & Christopher Coons

Institution: EWU & WSU

Topic: The role of games in creating memorable experience


There’s no way to describe it.

Related URL: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AqdWw2sGEHasiNg9xQesCiE42KpMShQcwvgnHWE_J8A/edit?usp=sharing

Name: Dorothy Hirata

Institution: University of Hawaiʻi

Topic: Preparing to Teach Online at UH Module


Introductory, self-paced module design to assist faculty and staff in reviewing a wide range of topics related to online learning presented in an interactive and engaging online environment.

Related URL: https://www.uhonline.hawaii.edu/id/professional-development/2020/PreparingToTeachOnline.php

Name: Margot Casson

Institution: University of Puget Sound

Topic: Course design concepts & resources workshop (flipped using Canvas)


The University of Puget Sound Educational Technologists are hosting a seven week faculty workshop to explore strategies, techniques, and resources for teaching fully online or hybrid classes.
The learning environment will be “flipped,” using Canvas for posting videos, sharing resources, and using discussion boards for faculty to ask questions and collaborate.
All faculty will be added to our Canvas course and will be invited to participate in a weekly virtual discussion. We will also have virtual office hours. In addition to covering best practices in remote course delivery we will include training modules in Google apps, video production, conferencing, and assessment.

Related URL: 

Name: Hart Wilson

Institution: Southern Oregon University

Topic: eT/LT – Enhancing Teaching & Learning with Technology


Two four-week sessions on key connections for blended learning with weekly modules in Moodle and optional one-hour weekly Zoom session based on community of inquiry model (key connections – student to student, student to content, student to instructor).

Related URL: https://inside.sou.edu/catl/professional-development.html

Name: ariadnastro https://twitter.com Si


Topic: ariadnastro https://twitter.com


ariadnastro https://twitter.com

Related URL: 

Name: ghgjfkdk https://microsoft.com lob


Topic: hfjfkldlhayrfhfdh https://microsoft.com


ghgjfkdk https://microsoft.com

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Name: unpNkuqvhgqsAxe https://www.google.com/


Topic: unpN1vkuqvhgqsA47x5e https://www.google.com/


unpN1vkuqvhgqsA47x5e https://www.google.com/

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Name: BanditosIbnoximvseh https://twitter.com/


Topic: BanditosIbnoximvseh https://twitter.com/


BanditosIbnoximvseh https://twitter.com/

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Name: unpNkuqvhgqsAxe https://www.google.com/


Topic: unpN1vkuqvhgqsA47x5e https://www.google.com/


unpN1vkuqvhgqsA47x5e https://www.google.com/

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fgqiwgqqhuijpgquhgisdfhgosfdhgsdofigh3uow https://facebook.com

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fgqiwgqqhuijpgquhgisdfhgosfdhgsdofigh3uow https://facebook.com

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fgqiwgqqhuijpgquhgisdfhgosfdhgsdofigh3uow https://facebook.com

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fgqiwgqqhuijpgquhgisdfhgosfdhgsdofigh3uow https://facebook.com

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jhktyk5ykytjhdgj46itrgu3 https://facebook.com

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boris https://yandex.ru

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Topic: Okeygorandom https://www.google.com/


Okeygorandom https://www.google.com/

Related URL: 

Name: David Schlater

Institution: UIDAHO

Topic: 6 Things


What we did and what instructors learned from the pandemic….

Related URL: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1FK5OKonU-wcrAmo7PxxLZ3cfCcAyDpN34k0PRaUYpM4/edit?usp=sharing

Name: Hart Wilson

Institution: Southern Oregon University

Topic: Expanding Accessibility in Moodle


SOU has adopted a new accessibility tool for Moodle and is rolling it out this fall. We worked with a group of faculty over the summer to get insight into the use of the tool and how to communicate about it with faculty.

Related URL: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Cvdsw-KrOtz20cB049KRWjUrVOw_gU-erLJr9cEwKhw/preview

Name: John Robertson

Institution: Seattle Pacific University

Topic: Developing Open Textbooks amidst a pandemic


We launched an OpenTextbook Initiative during the pandemic and I’ll share our process and the two completed projects (Recentering Pysch Stats and New Testament Greek).

Related URL: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/19DOSPeaAnn33Kpd6uYui3VBhx2J1rSwvNyDtdsiMckE/edit?usp=sharing

Name: Lauren Nicandri

Institution: Western Washington University

Topic: Teaching & Learning Cooperative (TLCo-op)


Workshops, faculty mentors, and ADEI related to the cross departmental work of the TLCo-op.

Related URL: https://tlc.wwu.edu/tlco-op-faculty-mentors/

Name: Justina Brown

Institution: Western Washington University

Topic: Teaching & Learning Cooperative (TLCo-op)


Cross departmental collaboration for faculty development and resources. This site, designed for and by the WWU Community, includes strategies, tools, and practices for innovative teaching and learning: https://tlc.wwu.edu/

Related URL: https://tlc.wwu.edu/

Name: Britt Harmon

Institution: Gonzaga University

Topic: Padlet


used to introduce students at the beginning of a course, bios, and also to elicit brainstorming in an open board forum that has stamp/emoji/text options, video embed, image options, etc.

Related URL: https://www.techlearning.com/how-to/what-is-padlet-and-how-does-it-work-for-teachers-and-students

Name: Hae Okimoto

Institution: University of Hawaii

Topic: Open Education Resources at UH


Cost of textbooks does impact student success. How our OER (oer.hawaii.edu) projects impacted teaching and learning. And preview of new project on Anatomy and Physiology.

Related URL: https://oer.hawaii.edu/open-education-work-in-physiology-141-and-142-gets-uh-news-attention/

Name: Tasha Biesinger

Institution: Oregon State University

Topic: GenderMag


GenderMag is a process for improving the usability for user interfaces.

Related URL: http://gendermag.org

Name: Bridget Irish

Institution: The awesome Evergreen State College!

Topic: Surprise! It’s a Pandemic! Serendipitous Opportunities for Learning and Teaching in a Time of Whirlwind Pivots


How I accidentally found myself in the right place at the right time for professional (and personal) development during the height of the pandemic as a full-time curricular tech support specialist and adult learner.

Related URL: https://www.cwu.edu/accessibility-studies/

Name: David Wicks

Institution: Seattle Pacific University

Topic: Telepresence Robots in hybrid learning


Exploring social presence, embodiment, and engagement with telepresence robots.

Related URL: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1dz2IpxuEb3WZn1xeM3cPwZWy9QJbLhmyV_cRq1v5ZYM/edit?usp=sharing