Roundtable 2023

Instructional Technology Roundtable 2023:

Designing for Equity

November 1-3, 2023
Courtyard City Center
550 SW Oak St
Portland, OR 97204

Wednesday, November 1

4:30 Check-in begins – Meet and Greet at the hotel – Conference Level

5:30 Welcome & Dinner  – Park Ballroom – Hae

6:30 Keynote: Advancing Equity Through Intentional Support: Embracing Our Role as Change Agents – Flower Darby 

Flower Darby celebrates and promotes effective teaching in all modalities to advance equitable learning outcomes for all students. She’s an Associate Director of the Teaching for Learning Center at the University of Missouri. Over her 27-year career in higher education, Flower has taught in person and online in a range of subjects including English, Technology, Education, Dance, and Pilates. She has also held a number of support roles such as Instructional Technologist and Instructional Designer. Flower seeks to empower faculty to teach effectively to advance equitable learning outcomes and to empower people in instructional and technology support roles to lead from where they are to do the same. Her recent books include The Norton Guide to Equity-Minded Teaching (2022) and Small Teaching Online: Applying Learning Science in Online Classes (2019).

Thursday, November 2

8:00 Breakfast

8:30 Welcome & Getting on the Same Page – Park Ballroom – Hae

8:45 Speed Networking and CrowdSourcing – Park Ballroom – Amy & Lauren

Get acquainted with your friends and colleagues at other institutions by discussing common issues around equity, technological changes,  and building connections. slideshow

10:00   Break

10:30   Breakout Sessions:
Breakout A: Navigating Learning Modalities – Park Ballroom – (Lauren & David)

Campuses are continuously evolving in response to academic, student, and faculty needs regarding class delivery and support. What trends do you see at your campus? How are we ensuring equity and access in face-to-face, hybrid, and online learning?

Breakout B: Advocating for equity-minded technology decisions – Laurelhurst – (Lynn & Trina)

In a time of freemium services and direct marketing to instructors, how do instructional technologists advocate for the use of instructional tools that are accessible, minimize unnecessary cognitive load, and protect students’ privacy? How do we influence decisions about which tools to adopt and which ones to retire? How do we ensure equitable access to hardware and bandwidth? Share your strategies, successes, and challenges in this area.

11:30   Lunch

12:30   Breakout Sessions

Breakout A:  Challenges & Successes – (Rick & Chris)

Join us to reflect on your successes and challenges over the past year. What collaborative relationships have you built (or have struggled with)? What positive influence(s) have you had? What challenges would you like to brainstorm help with? Let’s take some time to dive into our past experiences and share ideas that may help each other as we look to foster equity and continued growth in our areas of expertise and at our institutions!

Breakout B:  Professional Development for NWACC IT Roundtable folk – Laurelhurst – (Lynn, Lauren, and Trina)

What’s new and exciting in your professional development world? What are you working on? Are there ways your institution supports you? What challenges/barriers do you face? How is equity a factor in your professional development?

1:30 Break

1:45 Three-Minute Presentations – Park Ballroom – Trina

This is your chance to share tidbits from your work with the whole group! Sign up to present an innovative practice on your campus, a recent accomplishment, lessons learned from great challenges, or anything else you think the group should know about. The three-minute time limit will be strictly enforced.

2:45 Break

3:00 Birds of a Feather – Park Ballroom 

Table discussions based on participants’ suggestions during registration.

4:15 Birds of a Feather continues with Happy Hour -Park Ballroom

Friday, November 3

8:00 Breakfast

8:45 Plenary: Cool Tools Show & Tell – Park Ballroom

9:45  Break

10:00   Reconnecting with Flower Darby

  • Drawing together the discussions of the Roundtable and providing a charge to the group. 
  • Sharing areas of concern that we need to continue to work on.
  • Early career IDs regarding Flowerʻs experiences and wisdom.

10:50  Break

11:00   Plenary Session: Looking Ahead and Circling Back – Hae

11:30  Adjourn

NWACC will reimburse travel expenses for all attendees. Travel Expense reimbursement requests must be submitted by email to within 21 days of the event. Requests must include a completed NWACC reimbursement form and itemized receipts (in PDF format).