Roundtable Agenda 2012

2012 NWACC Roundtable

14-16 November 2012
University Place, Portland State University

Keynote Speaker: Dr. Alec Couros, Professor of Educational Technology and Media, University of Regina

Program: The program will begin at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 14 and end at 12:00 p.m. of Friday, November 16.

Travel Reimbursements:

Looking for the previous years roundtable sites? See the round table archive.

Download the agenda (pdf)
Tweet this event using hashtag #NWACCrt NWACCO

Wednesday, November 14

2:30    Moodle User Group Meeting | University Technology Services (UTS) Room 623
5:30-8:30    Welcome Dinner McCormick and Schmick’s Harborside
5:30 – Meet and Greet; 6:00 – Welcome Remarks; 6:15 – Dinner Social

Thursday, November 15

8:00    Breakfast | Willamette Room
All plenary sessions will be held in the Willamette Room
8:30    Introduction to Dinner Crowdsourcing
8:45    Welcome & Introductions
9:45    Getting Everyone on the Same Page/URL – NWACCo Orientation
10:00   Break
10:15   Keynote Presentation: Embracing What Participatory Culture Means For Teaching & Learning, Dr. Alec Couros, University of Regina (Session notes)
11:30   Lunch
12:30   Breakout sessions:

Improvising the Future | Hosts – Hae Okimoto (U. of Hawaii) & Andrew Bonamici (U. of Oregon) | Astoria Room
Classroom formats (traditional, flipped, online, hybrid) are evolving, as are the tools that faculty and staff use and that students bring to campus. Are you feeling a little overwhelmed or incredibly excited – or both? Continue the conversation around the ideas presented in Dr. Couros’ keynote by sharing practical and creative solutions for our own development and for leading our campuses to think and move forward. (Session notes)

Social Media | Host – Kimmy Hescock (Oregon State) | Coos Bay Room
How is your institution embracing and utilizing social media? What are the benefits? The challenges? How do you think social media will change the face of education – or will it? (Session notes)

1:30 Break

1:45    Breakout sessions:
Learning Spaces
| Host – Doug McCartney (Portland State) & Peter Gunn (U. of Oregon) | Astoria Room
The design of formal and informal learning spaces, incorporating patron knowledge and needs, can lead to better student engagement and learning. What strategies have you explored for making learning space improvements, big or small, physical or technological, to address instructional and curricular needs? How can we, as instructional technology support providers, work with faculty to advocate for learning environment improvements? To ensure the best discussion possible, come prepared to share your own learning space success or learning space challenge. (Session notes)

Faculty Development and Change | Erica Andree (Pacific U.) | Coos Bay Room

Many of us are facing significant changes to the instructional technology tools we provide to our increasingly overwhelmed faculty. How do we best aid faculty in navigating our changing technological landscapes? Is change always necessary? Come share your successes, lessons learned, and questions. (Session notes)

2:45 Break

3:00    Plenary Session: Award for Innovation in Educational Technologies
Presentation of the Instructional Technology Steering Committee’s award to an instructional technologist or technology team who has displayed innovation in the design, development, and/or support of instructional technologies on their campus. The award recipient(s) will present an overview of the winning project and the impact it has had on the teaching and learning activities on their campus. (Presenter’s notes ; Session notes)

3:30    Three-minute Presentations
This is your chance to share your work with the whole group! Sign up to present an innovative practice on your campus, a great new tool, or anything else you think the group should know about. The three-minute time limit will be strictly enforced. See the archive of presentations.

4:15    Dinner Crowd Sourcing
Attendees will self-select and break into groups of 5-7 based on food preferences (Thai, Steak, Ethiopian, Seafood, etc). Using smart phones/devices and applications such as Open Table, Yelp, and Urbanspoon, make dinner plans per group. Open Table users can make a reservation on the spot, or groups can call and make a reservation by phone. Bring your portable devices loaded with restaurant-finding applications.

Friday, November 16

8:00    Breakfast | Willamette Room

8:45    Breakout Sessions:
Pedagogy in the Flipped/Blended/Online Classroom | Host – Erica Andree (Pacific U.) | Astoria Room
We face an increasingly diverse educational ecosystem for teaching and learning. How does this changing classroom structure impact pedagogy? Does good pedagogy transcend the technology or is technology reshaping the way we teach? Join us for a discussion of best practices, lessons learned, or persistent problems experienced in the flipped / blended / hybrid / online / shaken-but-not-stirred classroom. (Session notes)

The LMS – What is it Good For? | Hosts – David Schlater (U. of Idaho) & Rip Heminway (The Evergreen State College) | Coos Bay Room
Absolutely nothing – some of us would say, on certain days. From Blackboard 9.1 and its many flavors of bugs, to Moodle with its crazy interface clutter, to Instructure Canvas, the new kid on the block – come talk about what you use, why you love it, or if you want to leave it. Is there a better product on the horizon, or even hope we can ever arrive at a solution that saves more time than it consumes? David Schlater will talk about Blackboard 9.1 and Managed Hosting, two big changes for the University of Idaho, and Rip Heminway will give us a glimpse of Canvas as well as self-hosting Moodle. Bring your ideas, experiences, and questions for this free-form discussion! (Session notes)

9:45 Break

10:00    Plenary: Birds of a Feather | Willamette Room
You spoke, we listened! Past participants loved the sharing that occurs in the topics that didn’t make it as a breakout session. So here’s your chance! Current suggested topics include: immersive education, OER, learning analytics, mobile technology in teaching/learning, professional development strategies for instructional technology staff, assessing the effective use of technology, student worker management and training, and Google Apps for Education. (This is only a beginning; participants will be able to propose other topics before this session.)

Notes from Tablets and Mobile Technologies table.

11:00 Break

11:15    Plenary Session: Looking Ahead, Circling Back with Alec Couros
The NWACC Instructional Technology Roundtable is a unique professional development opportunity allowing each participant to contribute to the knowledge of the whole, while engaging in conversations for direct personal development.
This session will not only evaluate the process used at the Roundtable, but also discuss our community learning needs and how we can continue to engage throughout the year. We’ll use large-group and table discussions to evaluate viable options and topics for ongoing professional development. (Session notes)

Please take a moment to fill out the Roundtable evaluation form.

12:00 Adjourn