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getting started with git

First, what is git? At a basic level, it serves as a version control repository. This can be either local or cloud based. One of the most popular services is Github, another is bitbucket. Open collaboration, http://lifehacker.com/5983680/how-the-heck-do-i-use-github http://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/ http://git-scm.com/ If you have access to Lynda Campus they have a great course on using Git.  

Electronic Portfolios as Pedagogy: Using bPortfolios for Authentic Assessment of Teacher Knowledge and Skills in the U.S.

Electronic Portfolios as Pedagogy: Using bPortfolios for Authentic Assessment of Teacher Knowledge and Skills in the U.S.

Web 2.0 technologies, such as blogging, allow for locally developed, cost-effective, and holistic alternative portfolio assessment systems. By enhancing critical reflection and fostering social interaction, blogging portfolios or bPortfolios become integral formative and summative assessment tools for all teacher education students enrolled in a university program. Blogging platforms such as WordPress.com are free to use […]

US Olympic Rowing Team 1936

Finding your swing: Seven lessons IT Staff and Faculty can learn from The Boys in the Boat

University IT staff are committed to helping faculty integrate technology into their instruction. EDUCAUSE’s 2015 Top IT Issues lists “optimizing the use of technology in teaching and learning in collaboration with academic leadership, including understanding the appropriate level of technology to use” (Grajek, 2015, p. 12) as the second most important issue facing IT departments. […]

Geo-blogging and place-based learning

Place-based learning is grounded in exploring the unique history, geology, culture, environment, etc., of a place. Geo-blogging lets you geolocate a piece of writing or media to an exact point on a map and works as a natural companion to place-based learning assignments. Aggregation of student work to a central course site makes the work findable, and … Continue reading Geo-blogging and place-based learning

Reflections on EdCamp Puget Sound

The Spring Edcamp Puget Sound was held at the Puget Sound ESD on Saturday, May 16, 2015. An Edcamp is an opportunity for teachers at all levels to come together to discuss ideas about teaching and learning that can help improve their practice. Think of it as a free day of professional development for teachers where they get […]

Semantic Text Theme Generation in Collaborative Online Learning Environments

Semantic Text Theme Generation in Collaborative Online Learning Environments

Online students’ ability to self-regulate led to focused attention and time on-task. Given a need for more theoretical work in this area, as well as the potential practical benefits, we sought to compare differences between high versus low-collaboration teams in an online assignment to determine if higher levels of student-to-student collaboration lead to higher levels […]

An Evaluation Of Low Versus High-Collaboration In Online Learning

An Evaluation Of Low Versus High-Collaboration In Online Learning

Faculty from the SOE, SPFC, and SBGE, along with SOE grad students and an undergrad psychology major working in ETM collaborated on a study that was recently published in the Online Learning Journal. The study was a product from a year-long faculty learning community project sponsored by CSFD and ETM. The study explored how the use […]