Roundtable 2016

2016 NWACC Instructional Technology Roundtable:
Navigating Academic Transformation

November 2-4, 2016
Marriott – Courtyard Portland City Center
550 SW Oak St | Portland OR 97204

Wednesday, November 2

5:30 Check-in begins – Meet and Greet at the Original Restaurant in the hotel, upstairs on the Mezzanine

6:00 Welcome

6:15 Dinner Social

Thursday, November 3All sessions and meals will be in the Park Ballroom

8:00 Breakfast

8:30 Welcome & Getting on the Same Page

8:45 Speed Networking and CrowdSourcing – Amy & the worker bees

Meet your friends and colleagues at other institutions by discussing common issues in your field. During the registration process, you chose four key topics of interest and posed a question that you are curious about obtaining answers to. NWACC participants will rotate to a pre-assigned table (each table representing a different topic) for four rounds total to “crowdsource” and brainstorm answers, suggestions or tips to topics and issues you face on your campus! Each round will last a total of 10 minutes (the first 2 minutes are to introduce yourselves), with a 2-minute transition time between rounds.

10:00 Break

10:15 Keynote:
Racing Over the Horizon: Technology Trends and Education Futures – Bryan Alexander,

How can educators best prepare for technological changes? As a species we have poor prognostication skills, but we can better prepare for what could come next by examining current trends and creating futures scenarios. In this session we will begin by surveying major and emerging technological trends most likely to impact colleges and universities. These include major developments already in wide use (social media, mobile, gaming, open, digital storytelling), just emerging in practice (blockchain, virtual reality, 3d printing, gamification, augmented reality), and about to appear (the next generation LMS, woven and flexible displays). Next we consider scenarios based on selected technological drivers, such as open, gaming, and automation.
(Google Docs Session Notes)

11:30 Lunch

12:30 Plenary: Faculty Development (with “The Deck”) & Building Bridges – Elizabeth Young

The NWACC Instructional Technology Roundtable collaboration has created our Ed Tech Deck, a series of cards to inform faculty on the application of tools and strategies for integrating technology into their teaching. We’ll view the latest version of the cards and encourage its use via regional conferences to begin building faculty development opportunities.

1:15 Break

1:30 Breakout sessions

Breakout A: Successful EdTech Collaborations

Productive use of educational technology often requires a combined effort from different campus groups. This session will focus on what NWACC members are doing at their schools to facilitate successful collaborations that impact and enhance teaching or learning opportunities.

Breakout B: LMS Migrations and the Creative Use of LMS

Moving to the Cloud? Changing out your entire Learning Management System? Finding ways to extend your current LMS to meet new instructor and student demands? Come share your stories.

2:30 Break

3:00 Plenary Session: 2016 Innovation in Instructional Technology Award Presentation

3:30 Plenary Session: Three-Minute Presentations – hosted by Trina Marmarelli

This is your chance to share tidbits from your work with the whole group! Sign up to present an innovative practice on your campus, a great new tool, lessons learned from great challenges, or anything else you think the group should know about. The three-minute time limit will be strictly enforced.

4:15 End of Day Reflection and Dinner Crowd Sourcing

A structured time to reflect on the day’s conversation and a time for attendees to self-select and break into groups of 5-7 based on discussion topics and/or food preferences, such as: Thai, Steak, Ethiopian, Seafood, etc. Using portable devices and services such as OpenTable, Yelp, and Zomato, make dinner plans per group. OpenTable users can make a reservation on the spot, or groups can call and make a reservation by phone. Bring your portable devices loaded with restaurant-finding applications.

Friday, November 4 – All sessions and meals will be in the Park Ballroom

8:00 Breakfast

8:45 Breakout Sessions

Breakout A: Re-designing Learning Spaces

Are you working on retrofitting an outdated classroom space, or designing a new facility from the ground up? How are your campus non-classroom spaces changing? Come with images, ideas, questions, and lessons learned so we can connect local experts together.

Breakout B: Faculty Engagement and Communication Success Stories / Motivating Instructors

Successfully promoting change and innovation. To help you think about this, ELI resource material.

9:45 Break

10:00 Breakout Session

Breakout A: Building Bridges Teaching & Learning Track Planning

Participate in planning for NWACC Instructional Technology’s Teaching and Learning track at the March 16-17, 2017 Building Bridges Conference in Spokane, Washington. Focus will be on faculty participation in helping us plan for NWACC sponsored faculty development workshops.

Breakout B: Not Your Parents’ Learning Environment

What’s Next for the LMS? Adaptive learning, analytics and looking beyond the LMS at the future of Digital Learning Environments.

11:00 Break

11:15 Plenary Session: Looking Ahead and Circling Back

The NWACC Instructional Technology Roundtable is a unique professional development opportunity with each participant able to contribute to the knowledge of the whole, while engaging in conversations for direct personal and professional development. This session will not only evaluate the process used by the Roundtable, but also discuss our community learning needs and how we can continue to engage throughout the year. Both large group and table discussions will evaluate viable options and topics for ongoing professional development.

12:00 Adjourn