NWACC Instructional Technology Roundtable 2019:
Changing Landscapes, Expanding Access & Building Connections
November 6-8, 2019
Courtyard City Center
550 SW Oak St
Portland, OR 97204
Wednesday, November 6
5:30 Check-in begins – Meet and Greet at the hotel
6:00 Welcome
6:15 Dinner Social
Thursday, November 7
8:00 Breakfast
8:30 Welcome & Getting on the Same Page
8:45 Speed Networking and CrowdSourcing – Amy Greene
Get acquainted with your friends and colleagues at other institutions by discussing common issues around technological change, access and building connection. NWACC participants will rotate to a pre-assigned table (each table representing a different topic) for five rounds total to “crowdsource” and brainstorm answers, suggestions or tips! Each round will last a total of 10 minutes (the first 2 minutes are to introduce yourselves), with a 2-minute transition time between rounds.
10:00 Break
10:15 Keynote: Changing Landscapes, Expanding Access & Building Connections
Liv Gjestvang, Associate Vice President for Learning Technology at Ohio State University, is committed to supporting diverse and innovative teams in the development of engaging, meaningful, and life-changing learning experiences for students of all ages. Her work is centered around student access and success, with teams leading enterprise learning tools, classroom technology and innovative teaching for faculty, as well as Ohio State’s Digital Flagship initiative, providing free technology and coding curriculum to all Ohio State undergraduate students and the Affordable Learning Exchange, which has saved students $10 million in course content. She co-authored College Ready Ohio, a $13.5 million grant from the Ohio Department of Education, supporting college readiness for high school students, and has presented nationally about transforming culture, creating inclusive workplaces, making learning affordable, and supporting student success. Liv is on the Unizin board, the Big Ten Learning Technology Leaders group and served as faculty for the Educause Learning Technology Leadership Institute.
11:30 Lunch
12:30 Professional Development/Network Sessions: Changing Landscapes
Breakout 1A: The Instructional Technology Profession and the Changing Landscape
Learn about and share with colleagues what has happened and how to prepare for change in the profession, as well as the political and economic landscape.
Breakout 1B: Affordable Content and Course Materials
Learn about and share with colleagues moving your campus to adapt and create affordable content and course materials.
1:15 Break
1:30 Professional Development/Network Sessions: Building Connections
Breakout 2A: Tech Tools and Strategies
Learn and share with colleagues your favorite and most effective technological methods used for facilitating engagement in teaching and learning.
Breakout 2B: Engaging Faculty
Share effective strategies for faculty development, or things you’ve heard about and would like to try
2:30 Break
3:00 Plenary Session: 2019 Innovation in Instructional Technology Award Presentation
3:30 Plenary Session: Three-Minute Presentations – hosted by Trina Marmarelli
This is your chance to share tidbits from your work with the whole group! Sign up to present an innovative practice on your campus, a great new tool, lessons learned from great challenges, or anything else you think the group should know about. The three-minute time limit will be strictly enforced.
4:15 End of Day Reflection [mini happy hour]
A structured time to reflect on the day’s conversation with a drink and a time for attendees to self-select and break into groups of 5-7 based on discussion topics and/or food preferences, such as: Thai, Steak, Ethiopian, Seafood, etc. Using portable devices and services such as OpenTable, Yelp, and Zomato, make dinner plans per group. OpenTable users can make a reservation on the spot, or groups can call and make a reservation by phone. Bring your portable devices loaded with restaurant-finding applications.
Friday, November 8
8:00 Breakfast
8:30 Breakfast Plenary: Sheryl Burgstahler, Ph.D., Director, UW Accessible Technology & Disabilities, Opportunities Internetworking (DO-IT) Center, UW-IT and Affiliate Professor, College of Education, University of Washington
This session invites colleagues to identify resources we need in order to support digital accessibility for instruction and administration at our campuses.
9:45 Break
10:00 Breakout Session:
Breakout A: Accessibility panel – Universal Design for Learning
Learn and share about your experience with Universal Design for learning.
Breakout B: Strategies for Student Engagement
Learn and share your strategies for improved student engagement.
10:50 Break
11:00 Plenary Session: Looking Ahead and Circling Back -Amy/ Liz/ Hae
EdTech Deck:
- Faculty engagement (application, stipends)
- Traveling Working Sessions – on expanding the deck
- Where NWACC should go
11:50 Adjourn
12:00 Accessibility Lunch