The Gadget Finder is Seattle University's curated list of instructional technologies, built on a Weebly blog, and available for anyone to use.
Related URL: Justin Marquis & Lynn Harrison Institution: Gonzaga University Topic: Interactive Online Case Studies for Nursing Education Description:
Working in conjunction with Nursing faculty SMEs the Gonzaga University Instructional Design and Delivery office has developed a template for creating rich interactive online case studies designed to teach students how to diagnose and treat various health issues.
Related URL:Name: Michael Wilder Institution: Western Washington University Topic: Multiuser Blogging as a an Educational Innovation Description:
A combination of the open-source blogging software, WordPress, with the free BuddyPress plugin, creates an environment in which students can create academic publications with a full-range of contemporary word-processing features (including the addition of images, video, and podcasts), share resources, work collaboratively, and comment and evaluate each other's work. At the same time, this system allows students to have direct control of their learning environment (through customized themes), to participate in Facebook-like social interactions ("friending," "liking," commenting, user profiles), to integrate social media (such as Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, Flickr), and to collaborate (via document sharing, group support, and wikis). In addition this educational practice allows mobile access (via smartphones and tablets) as well as badges and gamification.
Related URL: Annie Zeidman-Karpinski Institution: University of Oregon Topic: Stop using Likert scales Description:
I'll present a performance-based assessment model that produces actionable data as an alternative to Likert scale questions. [longer article forthcoming in the journal linked below]
Related URL: David Schlater Institution: University of Idaho Topic: Education Building Redesign Description:
Three plus years ago our campus embarked on a complete gut and redesign of the 1967 vintage College of Education building. Meeting with the architects for envisions and imagining sessions is finally over. Our unit is back in our much-improved space. Students are benefitting the most.
Related URL: Matt Lewis Institution: EWU Topic: Threadz update Description:
Update on latest version of Threadz discussion visualization software.
Related URL: https://threadz.ewu.eduName: Bridget Irish Institution: The Evergreen State College Topic: UDOIT Accessibility Checker for Canvas Description:
A brief overview of what UDOIT can do and how it can be of help to faculty.
Related URL: Farjahan R Shawon Institution: University of Idaho Topic: Doeceo Center of UI Description:
A brief introduction to the work of the Doceo Center at the University of Idaho.
Related URL: Lynn Greenough and Jane Wilde Institution: Oregon State and Linfield College Topic: Virtual Learning Community 2016 Description:
3 of us from NWACC held a 6-session virtual learning community. We brought up various topics, and shared readings and ideas. Seeking facilitators for 2017!
Related URL:Name: Chester Ismay Institution: Reed College Topic: Plickers: A free alternative to clickers Description:
I'll briefly demo the use of Plickers, a paper based version of clicker technology.
Related URL: Kaity Fain Institution: University of Puget Sound Topic: Interactive Lecture Using Pear Deck Description:
Add interactive elements to presentations using Pear Deck (allowing Google Account access is encouraged for full participation)
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