Tagged: blogging

Electronic Portfolios as Pedagogy: Using bPortfolios for Authentic Assessment of Teacher Knowledge and Skills in the U.S.

Electronic Portfolios as Pedagogy: Using bPortfolios for Authentic Assessment of Teacher Knowledge and Skills in the U.S.

Web 2.0 technologies, such as blogging, allow for locally developed, cost-effective, and holistic alternative portfolio assessment systems. By enhancing critical reflection and fostering social interaction, blogging portfolios or bPortfolios become integral formative and summative assessment tools for all teacher education students enrolled in a university program. Blogging platforms such as WordPress.com are free to use […]

How to submit a WordPress blog post in Canvas

How to submit a WordPress blog post in Canvas

In my Computer Authoring course, I ask students to share Clear and Unclear blog posts each week, reflecting on what they learn and do not understand in the module. I use Canvas’ group feature to have them share the URL for their blog post with blog buddies.  I ask them to give their blog buddies feedback on each new […]

Blogging to improve student achievement

Blogging to improve student achievement

Workshop at the 2014 NCCE Conference in Seattle Blogging portfolios or bPortfolios will be introduced, including how they can be used to improve student achievement. Participants will learn how to: implement bPortfolios, assess student reflections, scaffold students in reflective writing, particularly with regards to Common Core Standards, and implement learning analytics based on bPortfolio and […]

Implementing Electronic Portfolios Through Social Media Platforms: Steps and Student Perceptions

Implementing Electronic Portfolios Through Social Media Platforms: Steps and Student Perceptions

David W. Denton, Seattle Pacific University David Wicks, Seattle Pacific University Abstract: Over the last two decades, students and teachers, across educational levels and disciplines, have been subject to a variety of school reform efforts. Nevertheless, some instructional practices, such as portfolio assessment, persist and grow in popularity even in the midst of changing educational […]