Tagged: Ed tech

App.net or ADN or App dot Net: what is it?

App.net or ADN or App dot Net: what is it?

What is App.net?  From the developers: App.net is your passport to great applications. Use your App.net account to access a network of amazing social apps. Talk to friends with group messaging apps, share pictures and documents with file storage apps, and tell stories with microblogging apps—all while controlling your own data. Find apps you love and […]

Invisible Design Within Education?

Invisible Design Within Education?

This morning I had a post come across my info stream by designer Frank Chimero titled, “The Cloud is Heavy and Design isn’t Invisble.” Quite a nice post in and of itself. It is a responsive post to another post by Timo Arnall‘s “No to NoUI” post. The idea of design as becoming “invisible,” or […]

New Media Literacies — Learning in a Participatory Culture

New Media Literacies — Learning in a Participatory Culture

The quote below comes from a post by Henry Jenkins, professor at USC and PI for the New Media Literacies project. As an Educational Technologist I think I have a tendency to bracket my thinking a bit more into the camp of the “technology,” rather than the other skills that are needed to effectively take

NWACCo and EdCampPDX – 2012

NWACCo and EdCampPDX – 2012

This past week I attended two very different, but very well-done and fulfilling Ed-Tech conferences. The first was the Northwest Academic Computing Consortium’s Instructional Technology Roundtable conference. This group is a collection of higher-education institutions that brings together a relatively small group of Instructional Technology folks once a year to talk about issues, strategies, technologies, […]

Useful summary from Blend list-latest ed tech trends

Useful summary from Blend list-latest ed tech trends

I found this summary of the latest higher ed tech trends so useful I decided to repost it here: Hey Clark (and everyone) Great video and there’s no arguing that these trends (scalable online programs mastered by for-profits, open educational resources for repurposing, and mobile technologies reshaping how/when we learn) but I’d argue there is […]