Tagged: Super Meat Boy

Communicative Manipulation

Communicative Manipulation

I was thumbing through Goffman’s The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life1 the other day, thinking about games as dialogic actors in a scheme of mediated interpersonal communication; thinking about about Super Meat Boy and the critical response to it (the grounded, the hyperbolic, the in-between); thinking about Abbot’s upcoming class; thinking about my own […]

Weight, Friction, and Degrés de Saut: Thoughts on Super Meat Boy

Weight, Friction, and Degrés de Saut: Thoughts on Super Meat Boy

Super Meat Boy doesn’t hate you, but it doesn’t mind hurting you. The Xbox Live Arcade release delivers on the promise of the pre-release version that was shown at PAX Prime 2010, where it was my own personal Game of the Show. Here are my initial thoughts after spending a few days (and a few […]