

Presentation Options

Description What to consider when choosing the right software application for presenting your content. Purpose Proper preparation and research before choosing software strengthens your presentation, maximizing meaning while minimizing the risk of being derailed...


Finding Open Educational Resources (OER)

Description Per UNESCO, Open Educational Resources (OERs) are any type of educational materials in the public domain or introduced with an open license. As open materials, anyone can legally and freely copy, use, adapt...


Writing Measurable Learning Outcomes

Description Learning outcomes (also called learning objectives) are statements that clearly describe what students should be able to demonstrate with measurable evidence related to knowledge, skills, and values, at the end of an instructional...



Description and Purpose: Makerspaces comprise a community of collaborative creative spaces equipped with resources, ideas, and physical tools for building and making. Often associated with engineering, technology, computer science, or design, Makerspaces promote DIY...


Finding Creative Commons Media

Description: Learn how to quickly find and use media licensed under Creative Commons. Purpose: Creative Commons allows content creators to set clear guidelines for the use and distribution of their original works. With usage...



Description The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a federal law, and its corresponding regulations give students certain rights to privacy of their education records and rights of access to these records. Faculty...


Creating Instructional Video

Description: Instructional videos can lead to increased student engagement with course materials, as well as increased retention of the content.  Online and hybrid/blended classes are read/write heavy so utilizing alternative instructional approaches to the...


Copyright and Fair Use Basics

Description: Copyright is a form of intellectual property that provides the creator exclusive rights to use and distribute the work created. It is applicable to any form of creative work, typically for the duration...


Browser Basics

Description: A web browser is the application used to access the internet. Common browsers include Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Opera. Concepts: Page: a single document formatted for browsing on the internet. Site:...