University IT staff are committed to helping faculty integrate technology into their instruction. EDUCAUSE’s 2015 Top IT Issues lists “optimizing the use of technology in teaching and learning in collaboration with academic leadership, including understanding the appropriate level of technology to use” (Grajek, 2015, p. 12) as the second most important issue facing IT departments. […]
The Spring Edcamp Puget Sound was held at the Puget Sound ESD on Saturday, May 16, 2015. An Edcamp is an opportunity for teachers at all levels to come together to discuss ideas about teaching and learning that can help improve their practice. Think of it as a free day of professional development for teachers where they get […]
The Digital Education Leadership program at Seattle Pacific University has been using Google Classroom as a learning management system (LMS) since it became available in September 2014. Faculty enjoy the ease of use and students enjoy learning with a platform they can use with their own students. Participants in this session will learn: 1) Research-based […]
What should instructors do when students ask about the role of games in online learning? Teach a gamified course? Yeah, right. During this session participants will learn about successes and challenges experienced by a game-based learning newb through …
A Faculty Learning Community (FLC) comprised of six professors representing different disciplines came together to study, develop, and teach blended learning courses. As an FLC, the researchers sought to evaluate student per- ceptions of the blended learning courses, measured using the Community of Inquiry (CoI) survey, and how these differed across the courses taught. In […]
In my Computer Authoring course, I ask students to share Clear and Unclear blog posts each week, reflecting on what they learn and do not understand in the module. I use Canvas’ group feature to have them share the URL for their blog post with blog buddies. I ask them to give their blog buddies feedback on each new […]
A faculty learning community (FLC) comprised of six professors representing different disciplines was formed in 2011 to study, develop, and teach blended learning courses. As part of this project, we sought to evaluate the efficacy of blended learning on faculty (efficiency, satisfaction) using interview questions designed by Garrison and Vaughan (2011) and students (access, learning […]
The maturation of free ubiquitous video conferencing tools provides an opportunity for faculty members to experiment with alternatives to conventional asynchronous discussion forums commonly used in online courses. However, there continues to be debate about whether synchronous video conferencing has a meaningful role to play in an online course environment. Although the Community of Inquiry […]