Assessment Tips for Multimedia Assignments

Assessment Tips for Multimedia Assignments


Multimedia Assignments present a unique challenge in assessment, since a degree of the criteria is qualitative rather than quantitative.


Multimodal learning, writing, and creation has been shown to increase engagement with students of all levels. Creating a clear grading rubric for assessment of these projects assists students in feeling confident that they can meet or exceed expectations for success.


  • Determine the learning outcomes for your assignment, and base your grading criteria primarily on those. Suggested areas for assessment include:
    • Knowledge building
    • Creative production
    • Integrative contextualization
    • Critical communication
  • Decide whether you are going to create an analytical or holistic rubric
    • Analytic rubrics identify and assess components of a project
    • Holistic rubrics assess student work on the project as a whole
  • Include some quantitative criteria, such as number of sources, number of images, at least three of the following media types, etc.
  • Explain and discuss with the class any qualitative criteria, such as
    • Demonstrates subject matter expertise/knowledge
    • Media enhanced exploration of topic
    • Media was of sufficient quality (sound quality, image quality, video quality) to be seen/heard during presentation
    • Student creatively engaged with the material
  • Explain weighting of criteria when applicable.


Student technical abilities will be of differing levels – sometimes pairing students or creating groups for projects can overcome the digital divide or student fear. Faculty should not feel the need to master the various technical skills used in multimedia assignments, but can partner with their institution’s technical staff to provide support and resources.




“Analytic vs. Holistic Rubrics.” Teacher Vision. Teacher Vision, n.d. Web. 30 June 2016. <>.

Gurak, Laura J. “Writing, Speaking and Digital Technologies: Multimodality in the Classroom.” Cultivating Change in the Academy. U of Minnesota, 21 June 2012. Web. 30 June 2016. <>.

“Multimodal Literacies and Technology.” National Council of Teachers of English. National Council of Teachers of English, 2007. Web. 30 June 2016. <>.

Ozaki, C. Casey, Deborah Worley, and Emily Cherry. “Assessing the Work: An Exploration of Assessment in the Musical Theatre Arts.” Research & Practice in Assessment 10 (2015): 12-29. Web. 29 June 2016. <>.

Wilder, Phil. “Teaching With Multiple Modalities.” Read Write Think. National Council of Teachers of English, 2016. Web. 30 June 2016. <>.

Featured Image “Extreme Grassheads”by Stepping Stones Norwich is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0


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