nwacco.org update

At the Roundtable in November, we tossed around the idea of using nwacco as a blog aggregator, an open online course like DS106.us, a resource site for how-tos and documentation, or a collaborative workspace.  A WordPress site was established, a number of people signed on as participants, and a slow stream of blog posts began appearing on the site.  In January, a group of 15 NWACC instructional technology types met to discuss the future ofnwacco.org and next steps for the site’s development.

For the first year, we decided to build on the existing strength of nwacco.org  as an aggregator of the content we already create for our home institutions.   We agreed that our direct audience is educational technologists from NWACC institutions, but noted that much of the content is also relevant to faculty who are interested in technology.

Kudos to our colleagues at the University of Portland who have committed to contributing weekly content to nwacco.org through their UP TechTalk Blog.   Other contributors include Jo Meyertons at Linfield, Andrew Bonamici and Peter Gunn at the U of O, Brent Schneider at Eastern Washington U, David Schlater at U of Idaho, David Sprunger at Whitman, and Amy Green at Evergreen.  Topics include a broad assortment of technology related links, information, reviews and opinions.

Call for Participation: Contributors, Editors, and Developers.

To continue developing nwacco.org, we need additional blog contributors, content editors, and site developers.

Become a Contributor:
Do you write a blog with educational technology content?   Do you follow an edutech blog or other relevant RSS feed you would recommend?  Then become a contributor to nwacco.

Register as a member at nwacco.org and then visit the NWACC-IT site to add your blog information. Once an nwacco editor or builder confirms your membership and RSS feed, the content of your blog will appear on nwacco.org.  As a member, you may also create posts directly at the nwacco.org site.Become a Content Editor or Site Builder:

For those who wish to participate as Content Editors or Site Builders, we are offering two orientation sessions on Wednesday, February 29 via Adobe Connect.  At the orientation sessions we will establish working groups, discuss the anticipated time commitment, become familiar with the existing site content and structure, and discuss the scope and sequence of the group’s work.  You are welcome to attend both sessions to learn more about each working group before committing.

Content Editor:   With more content coming in, we also need editors to curate the content.  The editors will manage categories and tags, approve feed submission requests,  provide general organization to improve usability of the content, and manage integration for other social media.

Attend the Content Editor Orientation at 2pm PST, Wednesday, February 29th.

At the orientation, we will establish a Content Editor working group, become familiar with the existing site content and structure, and discuss the scope and sequence of the group’s work.

To participate in the orientation, go to http://oregonstate.adobeconnect.com/nwacco/ and enter as a guest. Before the orientation, be sure to register as a member at nwacco.org and then visit the NWACC-IT site to add your blog information. RSVP to erica.andree@pacificu.edu encouraged, but not required.

Site Developer or Site Admin:  As we accumulate more content and contributors, we need site builders to create site structure and layout suggested by the content editors, customize themes and graphics, install and configure plugins, manage users, and document how the site is created and configured.  A good eye for design and usability is also welcome.

Attend the Site Builder Orientation at 3pm PST, Wednesday, February 29th.

At the orientation, we will establish a Site Builder working group, become familiar with the existing site content and structure, and discuss the scope and sequence of the group’s work.

To participate in the orientation, go to http://oregonstate.adobeconnect.com/nwacco/ and enter as a guest.  Before the orientation, be sure to register as a member at nwacco.org and then visit the NWACC-IT site to add your information.  RSVP to erica.andree@pacificu.edu encouraged, but not required.

For more information, questions, or RSVPs, please contact:
Erica Andree
Pacific University

Amy Greene
The Evergreen State College

Erica Andree

Director of the Center for Languages and International Collaboration at Pacific University

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