Category: Cool Tools and Apps
What are important characteristics of a good education app? Okay, free is good. I will give you that one. What else? For me, I love ubiquitous apps, or in other words, programs that work on all my devices, including my phone, my iPad, and my computer. I also prefer apps that allow me to access […]
There has been much interest of late around sustainable practice and reducing the amount of trees that are sacrificed in the name of teaching and learning at UP. I teach ED 414, Children’s Literature this semester, a course that I absolutely love to teach. As Director of Academic Technology, I also need to find ways […]
In November, ATS purchased and equipped a portable IPAD2 lab for classroom use. We’ve used the lab on a couple of occasions to demonstrate IPADs for faculty. On Wednesday afternoon this week, I used the lab with my ED 414 Children’s Literature class. They will be creating digital booktalks and digital stories later in the […]
ScreenChomp is a digital whiteboard app for the iPad from our friends at TechSmith (makers of Jing, Camtasia, SnagIt, etc) Screen Chomp is similar to another app reviewed here, ShowMe. Some features of ScreenChomp:...
As part of the roll-out of the new iPad lab we are showing the use of many apps. One of the fun apps that will be on the iPads is the ShowMe Interactive Whiteboard app. This app allows someone to draw on a whiteboard but also records your voice and your actions on the whiteboard …
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The ShowMe app for the iPad allows you to record voice-over whiteboard style tutorials then share them online. This app is a nice alternative to an expensive physical interactive whiteboard. You can publish your...